6 Ubuntu 23.04 “Lunar Lobster” Features That Are Worth Upgrading For

6 Ubuntu 23.04 “Lunar Lobster” Features That Are Worth Upgrading For

It’s only been three months since 2023 started and Ubuntu has already released its short-lived release, Ubuntu 23.04 “Lunar Lobster”. Even though it comes with only nine months of support (till January 2024), it has got people excited with its upcoming features.

If you are an ardent fan of Ubuntu and don’t want to wait for the final release, you can have a sneak peek at the beta version and go with the latest features on display.

Here’s what you can expect with the April release of Ubuntu Lunar Lobster 23.04.

1. A new Flutter-based installer

The new Flutter-based Ubuntu 23.04 installer has been lifted, polished and reworked into a beautiful masterpiece with well-laid out instructions and setup steps.

Ubuntu’s previous functional graphical installer, the age-old Ubiquity, gives way to the newly launched Flutter version, which delivers on its promise of a new-age installer.

Apart from these features, the rest of the installation guide remains the same as its predecessor.

2. Desktop Environment: GNOME 44

Why should the desktop environment be minimal when the OS is fresh and shiny?

Lunar Lobster comes with the latest GNOME version; GNOME 44 comes with various new features to improve your experience. While this desktop version is more or less the same as some other Linux desktops, Ubuntu adds a subtle charm to make it look a bit more native and Ubuntu-exclusive.

A Screenshot button to allow you to take screenshots on the go. This feature is available in the quick menu bar.

Some of these features are not confirmed yet, as the Ubuntu version after development is not yet stable. However, even after the final release, there won’t be too many changes in the layout and performance.

3. Attractive Wallpapers and Bright Icons

As is the case with each new release, Ubuntu 23.04 offers a beautiful array of wallpapers, icons, and themes to please its users. If you want to use something other than the default OS wallpaper, feel free to choose from the list of award winning wallpapers.

The winning entries of the Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar Lobster Wallpaper Contest are as a part of the Wallpapers List.

4. Default Applications and a New Kernel Version

The latest Ubuntu releases come with a modified Application Pack. Some of the default applications include LibreOffice 7.5, Firefox 111, GNOME Text Editor, Transmission 3.0, Shotwell Image Viewer 0.30, and many more.

You’ll see new icons for the LibreOffice apps; LibreOffice 7.5 is a new release that includes an improved Bookmark Writer module, new number formats in Calc, and more.

Additionally, Lunar Lobster runs on kernel 6.2, with improvements to the GPU, CPU, ports, and Rust updates. The OS provides Python 3.11 as an out-of-the-box application along with a few other toolchain updates including the following.

5. Change ISO Size

Unlike earlier ISO configurations, Ubuntu plans to release a minimal ISO image, ubuntu-mini-iso (size is around 140MB). You can download and install packages over the internet to customize your distro according to your needs.

This was previously an unheard of feature; According to the developers, the feature will be available for some other flavors of Ubuntu-based distros, such as Xubuntu.

6. Snap Desktop Client vs Flatpak and Flathub

To add to your installation woes, Lunar Lobster will not have Flatpak pre-installed. Instead, Snap is a push for the desktop client, which will give you a whole new set of applications straight off the factory table.

Some branded applications such as Telegram, Steam, Spotify, Slack and others are available through Snap. Although Ubuntu flavors will stop supporting Flatpak, you can still easily download and install applications via Flatpak.

Using Lunar Lobster 23.04 of Ubuntu in 2023

Even though the whole Ubuntu facade is getting a makeover, the ol’ faithful Linux terminal is here to stay. Despite the extent of the changes, Canonical isn’t changing the way you use your Terminal within Ubuntu.

If you’re an experienced user of the command line, you’ll be happy to know that you can still open Terminal windows with normal commands without worrying about changing your shortcuts. No matter what changes come your way, the terminal will continue to lie at the heart of Ubuntu.

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